Thursday, November 20, 2014


Proverbs 30:8New International Version (NIV)

Keep falsehood and lies far from me;
    give me neither poverty nor riches,
    but give me only my daily bread.

See the source image

Before cable and the internet families, friends and neighborhoods communicated with each other about our social needs.  Such as education, jobs, unemployment and voting rights.  Martin Luther King and his supporters did a great job.

At the turn of the century we allowed the right to survival slip away.  With outsourcing, lack of minimum wage reform, corporate downsizing and tax burden being shift to the middle class.  We soon witness many middle class families slipping into poverty.  Most Americans of all races never saw this coming. From Enron, IBM,   Manufacturing and Transportation.  This became the new face of poverty.  The educated impoverish.

When it comes to giving among the Hip-hop community,  icon and entrepreneur Russell Simmons stands above the rest. AOL reports that Simmons’s Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation and his Hip Hop Summit Action Network have directed millions of dollars to programs that serve urban youth,
See the source image

As a  random act of kindness if you know a family or senior citizen that has experience a severe life style change .  Stop and offer assistance  maybe a meal. Be a Blessing and Give a Blessing of support!

PS. When you sing God Bless America remember God Bless all of America he doesn't want anyone  go hungry. God Bless America!

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