Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ain't no Stopping Us!


Matthew 5:45New International Version (NIV)

He walks with me
45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

Sometimes in our life we face challenges and ask why me.  Why not ? That is God's way of reminding us. I got You Boo!
Linda Johnson Rice is president and chief executive officer of Johnson Publishing Company, Inc., publishers of EBONY and JET magazines and was founded by her father, John H. Johnson. In addition to being the No. 1 African-American publishing company in the world, Johnson Publishing Company owns Fashion Fair Cosmetics, No.1 in the world for makeup and skin care for women of color, and EBONY Fashion Fair, the world's largest traveling fashion show.

Rice demonstrates a strong belief in enhancing the future of today's youth by supporting several charitable education initiatives and corporate internship programs. Through EBONY Fashion Fair, Johnson Publishing Company donated over $50 million to charitable causes, many related to education.

Even Linda Johnson had to struggle to save Ebony magazine but with faith in God she made it thru.

Today even if your finances are tight you have something to give.  As a random act of kindness give your time. It is precious and free. Let someone know their is no limit to what God can do.  like Linda at some point in our life we have a challenge.
Be a Blessing give a Blessing of time.
 Mc Fadden and Whithead

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