Sunday, November 9, 2014


Mo ne Davis

Job 5:7-9New International Version (NIV)

Yet man is born to trouble
    as surely as sparks fly upward.
“But if I were you, I would appeal to God;
    I would lay my cause before him.
He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed,
miracles that cannot be counted.

Thirteen-year-old sensation Mo'ne Davis, who plays for Philadelphia’s Taney Dragons, has become the first Little Leaguer to grace the national cover of Sports Illustrated. The 5-foot-4 inch, 111-pound eighth grader is not only taking the Little League World Series by storm, but also she has captured the nation’s attention.
 Mo'ne has a  fast ball that no one saw coming! Oops God did.
We all are born into Blessings and Greatness it is a gift
from God. How we decide to utilize and thank God for it is up to us..
As a random act of kindness remind someone to thank God for the greatness they already have.  Be a Blessing give a Blessing of information.

Mary Mary Get your Blssing


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