Monday, August 25, 2014


    Genesis 2:18New International Version (NIV)  
18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.

United Way of America
Research proves that caring volunteers working with students of all ages, have the power to help kids boost academic achievement and put young people on track for a bright future. That’s why United Way launched this historic new effort to recruit one million new volunteer readers, tutors and mentors. Learn more about volunteer opportunities and find out how you can get involved by helping kids read, tutoring students, or mentoring. Learn More.

As a child I always volunteered with my mom at our church St. Paul we attended weekly. My mother called it giving back. When I moved to Atlanta my mother also told me to join a faith based church. I did.  As an adult I have volunteered for March of Dime  ,United Way, Young Democrats of Georgia, Andrew Young mayoral race and Barack Obama .  The point is in order to make a change we must be involved in our communities.

As a random act of kindness give money or time in your community .  What ever we give it appreciated and needed.  Like God said in Genesis 2:18 we are predestine to be helpers.   Be a Blessing give a Blessing.

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