Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Kirk Franklin on
Kirk Franklin

Numbers 10:35New International Version (NIV)

35 Whenever the ark set out, Moses said,
“Rise up, Lord!
    May your enemies be scattered;
    may your foes flee before you

Over the past few weeks we have watch our world being turned upside down with all kinds of hate.
It was not my intention to speak about so much hate in our society.  I think at this time it is needed.
I welcome all to interact with your opinions .  We must ask ourselves again what are we not doing as
parents to give birth to such hateful people. God's intent for all of us to live a purpose filled life with love.
Since slavery we have always kept our eye on the sparrow  with a song in our heart. To take us to another level of consiousness.  No one tells our story better than Kirk Franklin  on that's why we sing;

As a random act put a song in your back in your heart. Be a Blessing give a Blessing with a song.

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