Friday, October 3, 2014


Acts 4:33New International Version (NIV)

33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all
Clark Sisters
I know sometimes we wonder why me?  Why not?  Our lives have already been predestine by God for good.  Sometimes we veer of the beaten  path and make mistakes sometimes huge mistakes

but you know how to get back on track. God provided us with Grace and Forgiveness thru the blood of Jesus Christ. Just  Because we have been Blessed and highly favored.

On  Bible Gateway they are reporting Egypt & Syria Muslims pleads for Bibles

Despite the increasing conflict we see intensifying in places like Syria and Egypt, and all over the Middle East, God is at work in a powerful way.

 I"m sure the largest mega church in America is in our State Prison System.  Why not God has a captive audience. My point is if God  will grant Grace to  Prisoners he will surely give it to a converted Muslim.

Let us also end this week with another Prayer of Protection for our Families and President Obama.
It is no secret that the Secret Service level of protection sucks. The Boy Scouts could do better.  That's ok Gods got this.
As a random act of kindness be a Blessing give a heart felt Blessing of kindness

Blessed an Highly Favored :

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