Monday, October 13, 2014


Jesus Come to me
Genesis 1:27New International Version (NIV)
 So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
  male and female he created them

We should all step out side of ourselves. Take a look and ask do I really like the person I see. Your looks ,mind and spirit can all be reprogram .  Ladies you can sport a new weave but the attitude sucks.  Men you may have a hot SUV but your integrity ,none. We all must work on the entire package from the inside out.  I am sure you have cross path with someone that  might be so dirty and low down.  You wonder how do they manage to get away with some terrible acts  they do but they really don't  I learned as a young women to let  people like that pass thru my life

For myself every year I do a total exam of myself. Everyday I like to make sure I have done right  by  anyone I have encountered. I know how to say I'm sorry if I am wrong.
For some people evil and jealousy is a life choice. In the future don't hate the players(Christians)
and don't hate the game(God's Principles). Just take a moment and do a self exam.

Also to all my family and friends thank you for your patience last week. To my sister
cuz in Chicago "Carolyn  we  all love you ,Bless you ,appreciate you and thank God for you!

As a random act of kindness  encourage someone to take their life to a higher level. Be a Blessing give a  Blessing of encouragement!

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