Monday, July 14, 2014

Positive Relationships

I just love Pope Francis. He keeps it real.
Since becoming the Pope he has address everything ungodly with the Catholic Church.

 John 15:10New International Version (NIV)
10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love

Many of my collaborators who fight with me (against pedophilia) reassure me with reliable statistics that say that the level of pedophilia in the Church is at about two percent," Francis was quoted as saying.
Pope Francis
"This data should hearten me but I have to tell you that it does not hearten me at all. In fact, I think that it is very grave," he was quoted as saying.
The pope was quoted as saying that, while most pedophilia took place in family situations, "even we have this leprosy in our house".
According to Church statistics for 2012, the latest available, there are about 414,000 Roman Catholic priests in the world.

How we relate to each other and society begins as children at home. As an adult do not underestimate your role as a parent. guardian or teacher. You can influence a great leader or serial killer.

Today as a random act of kindness direct someone in a positive way. Be a Blessing give a Blessing.

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